
The One Resource For All Your Critical Dash 8 Component Needs

The One Resource For All Your Critical Dash 8 Component Needs

If you’re a Dash 8 operator, aircraft MRO, or lessor, this post is for you.

This is your go-to resource for the current major Dash 8 components we have available now or in the near term.

Bookmark this page as it’ll be updated often.

Stupid Things "Account Executives" Do That Drive Procurement People Crazy!

Stupid Things "Account Executives" Do That Drive Procurement People Crazy!

Do you hate when people cancel your PO? You put all your trust in someone and then, BAM! They cancel. They act like they care by saying “sorry for the inconvenience,” but do they? Things happen. Issues occur. BERs & AOGs are common. Our aircraft maintenance life is complex. Let’s face it. And it never helps to deal with stupidity from our sales counterparts. It makes the complex even more complex. 

What A Small Burger Joint Can Teach Aviation Professionals

I’m just going to throw this out there and you tell me if I’m wrong. Good customer service in the aviation world is often times…nonexistent.

customer service

Most companies worry about the sale and couldn't care less about your needs, wants, stresses or the 1,000 other things you have going on.

Don’t get me wrong sales is still important, otherwise how would anyone survive? Too much attention goes into the sale and not enough focus on the human behind the purchase.

You know what I’m talking about don’t you?

Well, I love great customer service and I’m sure you’re no different.

My burger joint experience

Just recently I decided to try a new local restaurant called BurgerFi.

It’s a nice little restaurant where the atmosphere is casual and the air smells like grease. Yum!

But of course eating like this is on occasion, right?

I go up to the counter and order 3 traditional burgers (of course not all of them are for me) and proceed to pay. They give me a gadget that vibrates when your meal is ready and we go sit down.

About 10 minutes later the little gadget still hasn't gone off. This is annoying and way too long for 3 simple burgers.

I go to the register and see my order sitting on the counter. Visibly frustrated I direct my attention to the manager. I told him that their little gadget didn't go off and there's only 2 burgers on the tray and I ordered 3.

I pull out the receipt to show him that as a customer I’m always right. But only 2 burgers were on the ticket. Yikes! Now at this point he probably thinks I’m full of you know what but I told him ordered 3. There must have been a miscommunication.

Obviously, right?

He said he’ll take care of it and had another burger tossed on the grill. I went to the register to pay and not shortly after he handed me the missing burger.

He said not to worry about paying. The burger was on the house.

Now, you may be thinking it’s only a $4.49 burger but it's MUCH more than that.

Regardless if I was lying or not he was willing to listen to his customer and make things right.

By this simple, low cost gesture he acquired a lifelong customer / advocate (as long as they don’t ruin it).

Lesson to be learned

You see, the story above isn't about how I got a burger for free. It’s about how great this small burger joint, BurgerFi made me feel.

In that moment I felt special, cared about and genuinely appreciated.

As aviation professionals, many of whom you deal with go about their day, they often forget that it’s the small things that matter most to you.

Now, it may be nice but you're not looking to be given a $25,000 actuator to “make things right.” But you would appreciate someone who cares about you as a person. Someone who listens, takes notes and makes things right.

I know this because I’m that person as well.

If we can learn one thing from my friends at BurgerFi, it’s to make people who you work with feel special, because they are.

If you’re dealing with someone who doesn't care, fire them.

You deserve a cooperative relationship so don’t settle for less.

Have you had a positive customer service experience? Comment below. It doesn't have to be an aviation experience.