pre-draw kit

Here’s How Much Your B737 C-Check Costs Per Flight Hour (Plus How You Can Reduce The Maintenance Cost)

Here’s How Much Your B737 C-Check Costs Per Flight Hour (Plus How You Can Reduce The Maintenance Cost)

A good material game plan will have you reaping the rewards. Here’s how…

The average Boeing 737 c-check costs $32.18 per flight hour, according to Aviation Week benchmarks.

Keep in mind; there’s a wide cost range between models. Older models are nearly double the costs at $52.82 per flight hour.

With an average annual aircraft utilization of 2,742, the math is simple.

Why You Need A Pre-draw Kit With Your Next Aircraft Maintenance Project

Why You Need A Pre-draw Kit With Your Next Aircraft Maintenance Project

I’ve been fortunate to be a part of hundreds, if not thousands of maintenance check projects.

Over the years, I’ve noticed a trend. During the maintenance project, there’s always panicked emails and phone calls. Half of the calls are for material that should have been pre-planned.

It’s guaranteed. It’ll happen. Maybe even today.

Maintenance teams wait too long to purchase the material they need. So when they do purchase, they’re in a frantic rush.