The Benefits of Electrification in Commercial Aviation

The electrification of aircraft, data science, and deep analytics will impact every corner of commercial aviation.

Here are a couple of its benefits.

Electrification provides better reliability.

It reduces the number of moving parts which leads to fewer failures and increased reliability. Electric vehicles will have half the maintenance costs of petroleum-powered counterparts.

Most of the reduction in costs will come from the future of electric power and drive systems.

Electrification provides better data.

According to Aviation Week, “Accenture’s research shows airlines and aftermarket providers agree that data-driven predictability and process visibility are critical to their mutual success.”

Over 90% of commercial operations surveyed said they would share data with crucial aftermarket partners to improve their operations.

Access and distribution of data is the future.

Each electrified subsystem decreases acquisition costs and increases aircraft health data through intelligent systems.

Craig Gottlieb believes more data leads to better aftermarket questions:

  • “How might software and systems better optimize power consumption and accelerate electrification?”

  • “Can maintenance be scheduled more flexibly based on reliability?”

  • “Can operators change aircraft utilization patterns to optimize maintenance intervals?”

  • “Can part limits be dynamically tuned in concert with OEMs and regulators?”

  • “What insight can be provided to improve power management and storage technologies?”

Data and electrification will continue to develop. Don’t wait until it’s too late to adapt and adopt the future.

At a minimum, work with key partners who are already investing in the future for you.